Understanding your pain


When you suddenly experience pain during an activity or sport do you know what the first steps are?


It’s time to forget RICE or POLICE …..


The latest acronyms describing the management for looking after soft tissue injuries (including muscular strains or ligament sprains).

PEACE is for the ‘acute’ phase - the first 72 hours after injury.

LOVE is for the ‘sub-acute’ phase - from 4 days after the injury up to 6 weeks post-injury.

The PEACE and LOVE approach will help optimise your recovery.

[2023 Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust]

Acute Phase of Injury

[Day 1-3]

Seek urgent medical assessment if your injury was caused by trauma or impact, resulting in a click or a crack with immediate swelling and or consequent bruising, as well as difficulty weight bearing or loading. This could indicate a fracture and would require x-ray.

For soft tissue injuries:

Unload or restrict movement in the area for 1 to 3 days. This may require the use of crutches for a leg injury, or a sling for the arm. This will minimise further damage or aggravation to the injury.

P+R Physiotherapy Clinic stocks a sling, ankle boot and elbow crutches. Aids are provided as part of your initial appointment should assessment determine the requirement to help with your optimal recovery.

Elevate the injured area above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.

During the acute phase anti-inflammatories can inhibit tissue repair. Simple analgesics like paracetamol can be used for pain relief.

External mechanical compression with a brace, bandage or taping can reduce local swelling and prevent further bleeding within the injured tissues.

Normatec recovery boots and arm sleeves are available at P+R Physiotherapy Clinic to assist with lower limb and upper limb swelling. These are also excellent for post sport DOMS.

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Your initial P+R Physiotherapy appointment, and all follow up appointments, will provide an in-depth explanation of your injury and provide clear guidance for recovery, including a therapy plan that will be emailed to you following your appointment. Goals, including your specific needs and wants, will be planned out with realistic recovery times and expectations.

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Sub-Acute Phase of Injury

[Typically day 4 - 6 weeks]

An active approach, with movement and exercise, benefits most injuries. Loading or stressing the joint or muscle (essentially making it work) within the limits of pain early on, promotes healing and stimulates tissue repair.

P+R Physiotherapy Clinic has a fully equip gym alongside the treatment/ clinic space, to ensure your rehabilitation covers your needs.

Science has shown that depression and fear about an injury and the recovery, can actually result in worse outcomes and a worse prognosis.

P+R Physiotherapy is all about building your confidence and finding ways to help you move without pain, getting you back to strength and fitness quickly.

That’s a fancy word for improved blood supply to an area. Better blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients which ensure good tissue healing.

Nothing gets your blood flowing better than moving and working the joint or muscle. Exercising the tissues will increase blood flow to the injured site.

If there is pain to move the joint or tissue P+R Physiotherapy includes a wide range of treatments to assist and get you back to moving quickly.

Controlled exercise, within pain limits, is key from the beginning of your recovery. Restoring mobility and building strength will speed up your recovery and help prevent a recurrent injury.

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When is cold therapy helpful?

In the absence of soft tissue injury, whole-body cold therapy can be useful for optimising recovery from sports training. Ice baths and cryo chambers following intense bouts of training or competition is used for optimal recovery.

Excessive or prolonged swelling hinders the recovery process. In this instance cold therapy can be effective at restoring the healing process. This may seem contradictory or confusing!

At your P+R Physiotherapy appointment assessment can determine if cold therapy should be introduced as part of a recovery plan and use of Game Ready (compression and cold therapy) will be used to get excessive swelling under control.

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Game ready for a disc herniation

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Get in touch to understand your injury or book an appointment.

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